markets as on: 10-03-2017 16:00 hours

SENSEX 28,946.23 17.10 USD 66.60 0.11
NIFTY 8,934.55 7.55 EUR 70.70 0.12
BSE-100 9,208.05 0.46 GBP 80.91 0.30

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IDFC Arbitrage Plus Fund

Objective :

IDFC Arbitrage Plus Fund seeks to generate income (absolute to low volatility returns) by taking advantage of opportunities in the cash and the derivative segments of the equity markets including the arbitrage opportunities available within the derivative segment, by using other derivative based strategies and by investing the balance in debt and money market instruments.

Structure :

Open Ended Equity Fund

Inception Date :

June 09, 2008

Plans and Options under the Plan :

Dividend /Growth

Face Value (Rs/Unit):

Rs. 10

Minimum Investment :

Plan A: Rs. 5,000 Plan B : Rs. 25,00,000 (w.e.f. July 6, 2009)

Entry Load :


Exit Load :

IDFC- APF - Plan A & Plan B :
0.50% of NAV on investors who purchase/switch in and seek to redeem/switch out such units within 365 days such from the date of effecting such purchase/switch in. (w.e.f. August 24, 2009)

Daily NAV & Price:

Scheme NAV Repurchase Price Sale Price Date
IDFC Arbitrage Plus Fund-Regular Plan-Monthly Dividend 12.0565 14-Dec-2017
IDFC Arbitrage Plus Fund-Regular Plan-Growth 18.9265 14-Dec-2017
IDFC Arbitrage Plus Fund -B-DIVIDEND 12.36084532 17-Feb-2017
IDFC Arbitrage Plus Fund -B-GROWTH 16.0114 08-Jan-2015