ING Vysya ATM Fund
Objective :
ING Vysya ATM Fund seeks to generate capital appreciation from a diversified portfolio of equity and equity related instruments by investing in stocks of companies, which are fundamentally sound but are undervalued.
Structure :
Open Ended Diversified Equity Scheme
Inception Date :
March 10, 2006
Plans and Options under the Plan :
Dividend /Growth / Bonus
Face Value (Rs/Unit):
Rs. 10
Minimum Investment :
Entry Load :
Entry load of 2.25% for investments below Rs 1 crores. No Entry Load for investments of Rs 1 crore and above.
Exit Load :
An exit load of 2.25% for investments below Rs 1 crore; if redemption request is made up to and including 180 days from the date of investment / allotment and nil if request is made after 180 days. For investments above Rs 1 crore and below Rs 5 crore: 1% if redemption requests are made up to and including 90 days of investment / allotment and Nil if redemption request is made after 90 days For investments above Rs 5 crore: Nil