SBI Magnum Institutional Income Fund
Objective :
To provide attractive returns to the Magnum holders either through periodic dividends or through capital appreciation through an actively managed portfolio of debt and money market instruments. Income may be generated through the receipt of coupon payments, the amortization of the discount on the debt instruments, receipt of dividends or purchase and sale of securities in the underlying portfolio.
Structure :
Open-ended Debt Fund
Inception Date :
January 11, 2003
Plans and Options under the Plan :
Daily Dividend Plan, Dividend Plan & Cash Plan
Minimum Investment :
Rs 50 lakhs and in multiples of Rs. 10 lakhs.
Entry Load :
Exit Load :
Daily NAV & Price:
Scheme | NAV | Repurchase Price | Sale Price | Date |
SBI Magnum Institutional Income Fund - Savings - Dividend(Upto 22/03/07) Renamed as SBI Premier Liquid Fund | 10.0325 | 10.0325 | 10.0325 | 22-Mar-2007 |
SBI Magnum Institutional Income Fund - Savings - Growth(Upto 22/03/07) Renamed as SBI Premier Liquid Fund | N.A. | N.A. | N.A. | 25-Jul-2007 |